I've learned a few things in life; how to tie my shoes, how to french braid, how to drive a stick but when it comes to baking I like to fly by the seat of my pants. Now grated most of the time I land perfectly on my feet but occasionally I land in the belly flop position shaking my head going what happened? Thankfully I am learning from my mistakes lessons and not jumping so wildly before wondering if it will work.
This beautiful cake I made this week looks absolutely scrumptious!
Just look at it. All that creamy, pink icing piled up the sides.
With all those moist, mouth watering layers of cake tucked inside that dreamy shell of icing.
Who could resist the sirens call of this cake. No one...until you taste it. BLECH! The cake was great, the icing tasted like Crisco. No joke, it tasted like Crisco and the funny part...there isn't a lick of Crisco in the entire batch of icing! I had attempted to make Swiss Meringue Buttercream and followed the directions step-by-step. The consistency was great but the taste...was not good at all. So in the trash it went and I wiped up another cake using my traditional, never fail, always tastes good buttercream.
So lesson learned that sometimes trial runs on food are a good thing before serving to your guests. I know I am glad I did a practice cake for the baby shower next weekend!
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