I love me some coffee with cream but rarely drink it in the summer because well it it hot and so am I. Here is the next best thing to a steaming cup o'joe. The cupcakes are coffee flavored and the icing is a nice sweet cream flavor, definitely knock your socks off worthy.
To start preheat your oven to 350. Cream 1 1/2 sticks UNsalted butter with 1 1/4 cups sugar. Add 2eggs plus the whites of 1 egg slowly and mix well. Mix in 2 teaspoons vanilla and 3/4 teaspoon salt. Slowly add 3/4 cup of cool coffee. Add 2 tablespoons of cocoa. Mix very well. Now add 1 3/4 cups flour slowly. Lastly add 2 tsp baking powder. This will make 24 cupcakes. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until done. Do NOT over bake because if these start to burn in the slightest they will taste rancid.
To make the Sweet Cream Icing start by creaming 3/4 cup UNsalted butter with 1/2 cup Crisco. Add 2 teaspoons of vanilla. Mix in 1 lb (about 4 cups) powdered sugar. This will get THICK. Add 1 tablespoon of cream at a time. I used about 3 tablespoons.
To finish cupcakes I dropped a dollop of icing on the cupcake. No spreading, no piping, no fuss. I wanted part of the cupcake to be seen around the edges. Let me say that these are too good. I mean could sit down and eat the how batch good. These are the ones you make and eat a couple then give away for fear of eating the rest. So this summer when it is hotter than Hades our there have a "cup"cake of Coffee & Cream.
Coffee Cupcakes
3/4c UNsalted butter (room temp)
1 1/4c sugar
2 eggs plus whites of 1 egg
2tsp. vanilla
3/4c coffee (cooled)
2tb cocoa
3/4tsp salt
2tsp baking powder
1 3/4c flour.
Cream butter and sugar. Slowly add eggs and mix well. Add vanilla and cooled coffee. Mix in cocoa and baking powder. Slowly add flour until well mixed. Spoon into lined cupcake pans and bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes. Let Cool.
Sweet Cream Icing
3/4c UNsalted butter (room temp)
1/2c Crisco
1lb. Powdered Sugar
2 tsp vanilla
3 tbl cream
Cream butter and Crisco. Mix in vanilla. Slowly add powdered sugar until all incorporated. This will be thick. Add cream 1 tbl at a time. Dollop on top of coffee cupcakes.

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